Wiki journalism: are wikis the new blogs?
This is a wiki on the subject of wiki journalism, which will be edited into a paper to be presented at the Future of Newspapers conference in Cardiff, UK, but which will remain live and continue to be editable afterwards. Please contribute what you can - the password to contribute is ‘wikiwiki’. All (non-anonymous) contributions will be acknowledged, and of course you’ll have that warm glow inside as well.
I’ve also created a Wikipedia entry for Wiki Journalism ( which is a much chopped-down, dryer, more factual version appropriate to an encyclopedia.
New media technologies have facilitated a range of new forms of journalism online: this paper analyses 'wiki journalism' as one such form which is being increasingly utilised by news organisations and other online content providers. Critically exploring case studies such as Wikinews and the LA Times 'wikitorial', the author identifies the qualities that typify the form, and on the basis of these proposes a taxonomy of wiki journalism types. The author concludes with some preliminary recommendations for future research and suggestions for the future growth of the form.
The past few years have seen the news industry begin its first tentative experiments with the wiki format. From the open nature of Wikinews to the aborted LA Times wikitorial, these experiments have demonstrated the potential of wiki technology both to reach out to a readership – and to fall flat on its face - while also demonstrating the difficulty of exploiting the potential of wiki technology within existing news production processes.
In this paper I explore the possibilities of ‘wiki journalism’, looking at the brief history of the technology and the form, its relationship with participatory journalism as a whole, and current opinions in the news industry about wikis as a medium for journalism. The economic role of wikis is assessed, as news organisations move online and seek new business models, and I propose a number of criteria for assessing wiki journalism, which form the basis for a taxonomy of wiki journalism forms. Finally, I argue that we are entering a new stage in the evolution of wiki journalism, and outline the strategies on which its future rests.
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